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Newsletters about the personal side of making and owning custom furniture

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by Ronald Lohse
Shopping for custom furniture can be intimidating. Here is what to expect.

One of the most common questions I hear is, “How does ordering a custom table work?” We all know what to expect when we shop for furniture at a store; you pick something from one of a hundred suggested dining room displays, the salesperson takes a payment and tells you when to expect delivery. But ordering furniture crafted just for you is a bit different. Here’s how it works.

by Ronald Lohse
My journey from a kid in my dad’s workshop, to computer programmer, and finally a furniture maker.

A short narrative that points out the highlights of a lifetime of tools and woodworking that led me to choose furniture building as my post-retirement career. 

by Ronald Lohse
Meet the Johnsons as we tell the story of their custom furniture vision and how collaborative design made it happen.

This issue of Table Talk explores how collaborative design is the key to realizing your custom furniture vision. Rather than walking through a maze of furnture displays, work with a craftsman to make your vision a reality.  I hope you enjoy this issue.

by Ronald Lohse
Getting to root of my love for natural wood furniture

This issue of Table Talk explores my devotion to the natural beauty of wood. Separate from trends in furniture, I explain why I believe choosing a solid wood table is always the best choice. I hope you enjoy this issue.

by Ronald Lohse
Rediscovering childhood memories of the family dining table

My innaugural issue discusses the unexpected discovery of long-forgotten memories of the family table. As parents and grandparents, we are imbued with a responsibility to create memorable moments and events over the years. Read the impact of that realization in the November Issue.